
Full Muscle Body Work

Everyone’s body is different. Different pains, different problems. Knot Magic® therapists work to correct over 60 different issues that you can experience. If you have a musculoskeletal issue, we have seen it and know how to treat it.

Our staff and the wide variety of modalities we offer makes Knot Magic® different from other massage services. We have assembled a team of talented therapists specializing in therapeutic and deep tissue massage.

Make a Difference • Change a Life • Create a Believer®

Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - 2020 Expert

Choose From our 5 Options:

Knot Magic - Level 1 Therapist

Level 1 Therapist: $50

Good for first-time visits
Knot Magic Level 2 Therapist

Level 2 Therapist: $60

Great as a maintenance program

Knot Magic Level 4 Therapist

Level 4 Therapist: $80

Great for an overall body check up

Knot Magic Level 8 Therapist

Level 8 Therapist: $120

Great for precise bodywork

Founder Therapist: $135

For problems that modern medicine cannot fix

“I have suffered for over 2 years with bulging discs and a huge bone spur on my hip. Been to many doctors. Had all sorts of treatment, PT included, getting ready for surgery. Nothing helped until I found Paige and Knot Magic. No surgery for me! Paige is the best I’ve found! If you’re on the fence and in pain, give her a try. You won’t be sorry!”

Kristen Seagraves Reker

Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - Rams
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - British Olympics
Knot Magic Muscle Therapy - LPGA

Schedule an Appointment Today!
